Many astrologers are surprised when they learn that in Vedic astrology, Venus is known as the brahman with the ax.
Yet the dynamics of a childhood game, which many of us played, may offer some insight to the reasoning.
If we were to use the game, "Duck, Duck, Goose", for our analogy...
Venus does the choosing, so she is "it".
Sizing up the circle, she skips around making a choice as she passes each potential goose...
'duck' (chop)... 'duck' (chop).... 'duck' (chop)...
and when she finally finds her 'goose'... she taps him on his shoulder (flirts)...
he (Mars) chases... he is programmed to do this after all.
To win, he much catch Venus.
If Venus gets away, she plops on her butt... (with ben and jerry)
and Mars loses his chance at that 'tail'.
Of course, planetary dignity affects the game, either by affecting the ability to distinguish types of fowl, or the willingness to follow the rules of the game.
Venus in poor dignity might be want to choose more than one goose at a time, or she might prefer to turn around and be the first to plant a kiss on her chosen goose, forgetting his need to chase.
Mars in poor dignity might vacillate not wanting to sweat or mess up his clothes, or glance to his mommy for approval prior to taking action.
Little did we realize when we were children that our games were practice.