Magical moon tides guide the seas sexual seasons dancing in synastry.
How could they not touch us... the emotion filled bodies that we are.
Everything is interconnected.
How could they not touch us... the emotion filled bodies that we are.
Everything is interconnected.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
a few astro notes on Gov. Scott Walker
Gov. Scott Walker
Nov. 2 1967
natal planetary positions
Sun 8 52 Scorpio
Moon 5 25 Scorpio
Mercury R 8 03 Scorpio
Neptune 23 31 Scorpio
Venus 22 09 Virgo
Pluto 22 04 Virgo
Uranus 27 27 Virgo
Jupiter R 2 03 Virgo
Mars 7 19 Capricorn
Saturn R 6 50 Aries
NN 27 56 Aries
Chiron R 25 50 Pisces
Moon is combust and in its fall,
Mercury is combust and retrograde,
Venus is in its fall and is five minutes (not degrees... minutes) from Pluto... it happens to also be more like five degrees from Uranus,
Saturn is in its fall and retrograde... but it is in mutual reception with an exalted Mars... and that exalted Mars is dispositing every other planet in his chart.
Mars represents how we go about getting the things we want. Exalted planets behave as if the red carpet has been rolled out for them (this only applies to the nature and business of the planet more than the person's experience of it). The individual does not always pay as high a price for their pushing of boundaries w/ regard to that planet, but those around them are aware of it. So basically Mars in Capricorn is used to getting his way, and back by fixed Scorpio energy is poised not to budge.
Sabian symbols:
8-9 Scorpio (Sun and Mercury - conscious mind and communication)
a dentist at work
5-6 deg Scorpio (Moon - subconscious and what nurtures the person)
The Gold Rush Tears Men Away From Their Native Soil
7-8 Capricorn (Mars - how one goes about getting what they desire)
in a sunlit home domesticated birds sing joyously
25-26 Pisces (Chiron - the wound that won't heal)
watching the very thin moon cresent appearing at sunset, different people realize that the time has come to go ahead with their different projects
6-7 Aries (Saturn - blocks, boundaries, father, structure)
a man succeeds in expressing himself simultaneously in two realms
I'd go so far as to suspect that Gov. Scott Walker considers his mission divinely ordained, and that he believes that he has God on his side.
He is used to getting his way, and is also used to being allowed to use any means necessary to that end.
I am quite sure that he is shocked by these protests, and how he's been unable to just sweep them away simply with his persistence.
When Gov. Scott Walker split the bill to push through dismantling collective bargaining rights by avoiding a need for a quorum, transiting Pluto was only 4 minutes (of arc, not time) from his n. Mars. This is a profoundly testing moment for his Mars, in regard to him testing what he thinks he can get away with.But by over stepping his level of power, he might only prove to give the power to the other side for their efforts to have him recalled, for there is much talk of him having pushed this vote illegally. Pluto will be retrograding over this point, and w/ retrogrades the theme is "re-", as in "re-do"... though, re-call (him or his actions) would also fit.
*** on March 11th, Pluto will do its pass over his n. Mars. This is also the day that Uranus enters Aries. I would expect escalation in Walker's response, as well as the anger of the protesters.
Gov. Scott Walker was elected on Nov. 2 2010. This was also his 43rd birthday/solar return.
planetary positions:
Sun 9 27 Scorpio
Moon 12 07 Virgo
Mercury 19 21 Scorpio
Venus R 3 08 Scorpio
Mars 3 23 Sagittarius
Jupiter R 23 58 Pisces
Saturn 11 35 Libra
Uranus R 27 08 Pisces
Neptune 25 55 Aquarius
Pluto 3 23 Capricorn
NN 4 21 Capricorn
Chiron 26 04 Aquarius
The fact that Venus was retrograde and in Scorpio (its detriment) on this day, it is important to consider Nick Dagen Best's work on Venus retrograde cycles and how they link to cycles of injustice.
sabian symbols
9-10 Scorpio
a fellowship supper reunites old comrades
3-4 Scorpio
a youth carries a candle in a devotional ritual
and the moon at 12-13 Virgo
a powerful statesman overcomes a state of political hysteria
3-4 deg Capricorn (Pluto)
A Group Of People Outfitting A Large Canoe At The Start Of A Journey By Water
4-5 deg Capricorn (NN)
Indians On The Warpath. While Some Men Row A Well-Filled Canoe, Others In It Perform A War Dance
May 4th/5th - Saturn retrogrades over 11 39 Libra, Sun and Moon in Taurus, opposing Walkers n. Sun, Moon, Mercury and Neptune. The Moon is exalted in Taurus.
Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are all in Aries.
I think this will be the point at which the subject of "recalling" Walker is formally brought to the table, and/or formal attempts to appeal the laws he sneakily has pushed through, or even charge him w/ breaking the law to accomplish this.
Also pointing to this idea is that on this day Pluto, which was conj. his natal Mars when he pulled the "sneaky move", will be retrograde at 7 19 Capricorn.
by May 19th the conjunction of Venus, Mars and Mercury will be in early Taurus opposing the retrograde Venus at the time of Walker's election... this is a stress producing testing point... the Sun will be in the late critical degrees of an earth sign (Taurus) hinting to a fixed determination intent on tangible results. Uranus in Aries will be at 3 30, adding stimulating energy to the business shared by all signs at this degree. It is in a 12th house relationship to Venus and Mercury which adds to the idea of something being "undone".
July 21st/22nd - Saturn makes its final pass over this point (11 39 Libra)
On the 21st, the Moon and Uranus are conjunct on Walker's n. Saturn.
This would be the time for balancing the scales. My guess would be a day in court for those that want Walker recalled.
Ultimately, this Saturn transit is in Libra... Venus's house.
When Venus was in Taurus, she gained some strength. My guess is that the people will win. At this time, she is in Cancer, the Moon's house, so she probably holds some sway with the Moon. Cancer is representative of the mom archetype, and what makes us feel securely nurtured. I think one of the subjects on the table for Walker at this time will be his relationship with those who have fiscally supported his campaigns.
Jan. 11, 2012 - Pluto makes its final pass to Walker's n. Mars
Uranus will be back in very early Aries where it is about to enter March 11 this year... echoing back to the moves he has made this week.
Mercury will be at 3 59 Capricorn... in between the conj. on the NN and Pluto on the day of Walker's 2010 election.
Mars will be at 22 05 Virgo conjunct Walker's natal Venus and Pluto
Saturn will be at 28 50 Libra... the critical degrees of completion.
I believe that Walker will be recalled after his first year in office.
But, I won't be surprised if those that support him offer him another path.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
thoughts on those attempting to debunk astrology...
I am constantly surprised at how much energy many of those that dismiss astrology will expend to attempt to debunk it. It seems driven by either frustration or downright anger that those that see connections in astrology can't stop seeing them... that there is no way of convincing them of their error in seeing a syncronicity between the positions of planets and the seasons, with things here on earth.
From science's perspective, when it was discovered that the earth revolves around the sun instead of the sun around the earth, astrology should have quietly disappeared in shame. But, much to the dismay of many who find comfort in the solidity of science in lieu of all else... it hasn't.
In fact... it has strongly persisted like a pesky illegitimatized little brother.
Even regular bullying hasn't worked to make it disappear.
It might be a good idea to question why.
Why does astrology continue to persist despite the efforts of so many armed w/ science to bring it down?
What has not put those attempting to debunk astrology on strong footing, is that they have had a history of lacking an adequate level of knowledge on the subject they are arguing against. It has seemed that most have little more than a sun sign column awareness of the existence of astrology, and that they lack a complete realization that this is the equivalent to saying that identification of a few constellations comprises the entire study of astronomy.
If the person attempting to debunk astrology is doing so merely w/ a sun sign column level of knowledge of astrology, they are poorly up for the discussion.
Sun sign columns are but one (in my opinion, broad stroke) use of astrology.
The list of applications is long. There are medical astrologers and financial astrologers (yes, who even invest their own money based on what they see).
Of course there is the catch... to apply astrology to something such as the financial markets, one must first be an expert in both astrology as well as financial markets.
There are different approaches to astrology, and each requires more study than is realized by most to master. And as in any field, individuals hold varying levels of expertise.
Many on the side of science might say that those who "believe in" astrology must range from being slightly touched to being full blown whacky nut-jobs of the airy fairy persuasion.
Sigh... this is mere ad hominem attack, which is a common (wrong) way to attempt to dismiss an opponent in a debate.
It holds no weight toward actually dismissing astrology.
The root meaning of the word 'science' is knowledge, but at this point in time science only validates knowledge that fits into a very limited scope.
Over time, "scientific method" has been established as a way to create a consensus on "facts", and this scientific method has become the basis for the argument against astrology.
The problem with this is that it is limiting.
It actually inspires dismissal of many of the subtle patterns in life right around us that can't be appropriately limited and contained to be measured and quantified for study. In fact, if something cannot be adequately contained and controlled in order to limit the variables, it cannot even be studied by "scientific method" in any accurate manner. For this reason, science has grown quite expert at studying death, but it is not as great at studying life. Even our medical students at top universities such as Harvard and Tufts only get pieces and parts of the body to study at a time. They never approach the body as a whole, and this does mean that they are actually studying death.
Very often, 'life' knowledge is brushed off as "old wives tales" or crone's knowledge, yet it is also connected to something deeper than book knowledge... wisdom.
Although wisdom maybe yet another thing which can't be measured or quantified, somehow we know it when we see it.
I'm sorry to have to rock the security of those that consider science their god... but, there are things that are real and have validity that cannot be measured and quantified by scientific method. Love happens to be my personal favorite.
On the subject of whether to "believe in" astrology or not... informed decisions require actual investigation. I would challenge anyone to genuinely explore astrology beyond sun signs. By all means, investigate the cycles of the outer collective planets and the cycles of human history, as well as one's own personal natal chart.
Some will realize that astrology is an archetypal language which is a tool for describing the cycles in the universe around us. Some may not. Some may not be able to let go of the question of causality. Do the planets "cause" the things we experience, or is it just the synchronicity of the Hermetic law "as above so below, as within so without"?
I can only speak for myself on this subject. I see the repeating patterns and I consider the Hermetic Law like a litmus test. I'm not convinced the planets are causal, and I'm happy to leave proving or disproving such things to science. It doesn't matter in my opinion, because either way I find comfort in the synchronicity that I do see in astrology.
From science's perspective, when it was discovered that the earth revolves around the sun instead of the sun around the earth, astrology should have quietly disappeared in shame. But, much to the dismay of many who find comfort in the solidity of science in lieu of all else... it hasn't.
In fact... it has strongly persisted like a pesky illegitimatized little brother.
Even regular bullying hasn't worked to make it disappear.
It might be a good idea to question why.
Why does astrology continue to persist despite the efforts of so many armed w/ science to bring it down?
What has not put those attempting to debunk astrology on strong footing, is that they have had a history of lacking an adequate level of knowledge on the subject they are arguing against. It has seemed that most have little more than a sun sign column awareness of the existence of astrology, and that they lack a complete realization that this is the equivalent to saying that identification of a few constellations comprises the entire study of astronomy.
If the person attempting to debunk astrology is doing so merely w/ a sun sign column level of knowledge of astrology, they are poorly up for the discussion.
Sun sign columns are but one (in my opinion, broad stroke) use of astrology.
The list of applications is long. There are medical astrologers and financial astrologers (yes, who even invest their own money based on what they see).
Of course there is the catch... to apply astrology to something such as the financial markets, one must first be an expert in both astrology as well as financial markets.
There are different approaches to astrology, and each requires more study than is realized by most to master. And as in any field, individuals hold varying levels of expertise.
Many on the side of science might say that those who "believe in" astrology must range from being slightly touched to being full blown whacky nut-jobs of the airy fairy persuasion.
Sigh... this is mere ad hominem attack, which is a common (wrong) way to attempt to dismiss an opponent in a debate.
It holds no weight toward actually dismissing astrology.
The root meaning of the word 'science' is knowledge, but at this point in time science only validates knowledge that fits into a very limited scope.
Over time, "scientific method" has been established as a way to create a consensus on "facts", and this scientific method has become the basis for the argument against astrology.
The problem with this is that it is limiting.
It actually inspires dismissal of many of the subtle patterns in life right around us that can't be appropriately limited and contained to be measured and quantified for study. In fact, if something cannot be adequately contained and controlled in order to limit the variables, it cannot even be studied by "scientific method" in any accurate manner. For this reason, science has grown quite expert at studying death, but it is not as great at studying life. Even our medical students at top universities such as Harvard and Tufts only get pieces and parts of the body to study at a time. They never approach the body as a whole, and this does mean that they are actually studying death.
Very often, 'life' knowledge is brushed off as "old wives tales" or crone's knowledge, yet it is also connected to something deeper than book knowledge... wisdom.
Although wisdom maybe yet another thing which can't be measured or quantified, somehow we know it when we see it.
I'm sorry to have to rock the security of those that consider science their god... but, there are things that are real and have validity that cannot be measured and quantified by scientific method. Love happens to be my personal favorite.
On the subject of whether to "believe in" astrology or not... informed decisions require actual investigation. I would challenge anyone to genuinely explore astrology beyond sun signs. By all means, investigate the cycles of the outer collective planets and the cycles of human history, as well as one's own personal natal chart.
Some will realize that astrology is an archetypal language which is a tool for describing the cycles in the universe around us. Some may not. Some may not be able to let go of the question of causality. Do the planets "cause" the things we experience, or is it just the synchronicity of the Hermetic law "as above so below, as within so without"?
I can only speak for myself on this subject. I see the repeating patterns and I consider the Hermetic Law like a litmus test. I'm not convinced the planets are causal, and I'm happy to leave proving or disproving such things to science. It doesn't matter in my opinion, because either way I find comfort in the synchronicity that I do see in astrology.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Venus carries an Ax?... Duck Duck Goose!
Many astrologers are surprised when they learn that in Vedic astrology, Venus is known as the brahman with the ax.
Yet the dynamics of a childhood game, which many of us played, may offer some insight to the reasoning.
If we were to use the game, "Duck, Duck, Goose", for our analogy...
Venus does the choosing, so she is "it".
Sizing up the circle, she skips around making a choice as she passes each potential goose...
'duck' (chop)... 'duck' (chop).... 'duck' (chop)...
and when she finally finds her 'goose'... she taps him on his shoulder (flirts)...
he (Mars) chases... he is programmed to do this after all.
To win, he much catch Venus.
If Venus gets away, she plops on her butt... (with ben and jerry)
and Mars loses his chance at that 'tail'.
Of course, planetary dignity affects the game, either by affecting the ability to distinguish types of fowl, or the willingness to follow the rules of the game.
Venus in poor dignity might be want to choose more than one goose at a time, or she might prefer to turn around and be the first to plant a kiss on her chosen goose, forgetting his need to chase.
Mars in poor dignity might vacillate not wanting to sweat or mess up his clothes, or glance to his mommy for approval prior to taking action.
Little did we realize when we were children that our games were practice.
Yet the dynamics of a childhood game, which many of us played, may offer some insight to the reasoning.
If we were to use the game, "Duck, Duck, Goose", for our analogy...
Venus does the choosing, so she is "it".
Sizing up the circle, she skips around making a choice as she passes each potential goose...
'duck' (chop)... 'duck' (chop).... 'duck' (chop)...
and when she finally finds her 'goose'... she taps him on his shoulder (flirts)...
he (Mars) chases... he is programmed to do this after all.
To win, he much catch Venus.
If Venus gets away, she plops on her butt... (with ben and jerry)
and Mars loses his chance at that 'tail'.
Of course, planetary dignity affects the game, either by affecting the ability to distinguish types of fowl, or the willingness to follow the rules of the game.
Venus in poor dignity might be want to choose more than one goose at a time, or she might prefer to turn around and be the first to plant a kiss on her chosen goose, forgetting his need to chase.
Mars in poor dignity might vacillate not wanting to sweat or mess up his clothes, or glance to his mommy for approval prior to taking action.
Little did we realize when we were children that our games were practice.
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